It’s Not Too Late
The last couple of weeks in the Plant Diagnostic Laboratory brought a flurry of phone calls regarding bacterial leaf scorch. Folks are concerned about the disease and several samples have been submitted from locations in New [...]
Beware of the Cryptomeria Scale Hiding Beneath a Transparent Cover
Armored scales are generally regarded by green industry plant managers as being one of the more difficult insect pests to control. The Cryptomeria scale (Aspidiotus cryptomeriae ‘Kuwana’) is an armored scale that is notorious for being [...]
Alfalfa and Pachysandra Together Again?
Among the boxwood blight scare come samples of pachysandra with small yellow leaf spots. And rightly so–landscape contractors and residential clients alike are worried that they have a disease in the lowly pachysandra that will move into [...]
Another Day in the Neighborhood….
Wow, what a beautiful summer. The weather has been really nice, even a little cool (we are about a week behind normal on some degree day models). The grass is greener this year and everybody [...]
Correction of White Pine Weevil Injury
Damage from previously active White Pine Weevil larvae (Pissodes strobi) has been evident for the past several weeks on Eastern white pine, Norway spruce, Siberian spruce, Colorado blue spruce, & Douglas-fir. The larvae began feeding [...]
Localized Drought Stress is Here
As stated in an early post, summer stress is developing throughout the state. Summer stress isn’t widespread or severe but it is developing, particularly wilt stress, within very localized areas of many landscapes. Landscapes that [...]
Needles may fall…
Now is the time to monitor for two common diseases of Douglas fir: Rhabdocline needlecast (caused by the fungus Rhabdocline pseudotsugae) and Swiss needlecast (caused by the fungus Phaeocryptopus gäumannii). Rhabdocline needlecast is well established in New Jersey Christmas tree plantations, [...]
Black Vine Weevil Best Treatment Window Nearing End in NJ
Many landscape & nursery managers consistently state that attempting to manage the black vine weevil insect (Otiorhynchus subcatus) as one of the most problematic pests they encounter. These leaf notching weevils feed on many kinds [...]
Crabgrass Emerging
Crabgrass has been emerging for several weeks now, depending on the exposure. Warmer and more open turfs will likely have more advanced (larger) plants while cooler and denser turfs will have smaller plants. Management options [...]