You think you don’t have to worry about deer ticks and Lyme disease? Well, think again!

Ticks Identification and Symptoms:

Young ticks or nymphs are especially active during warm weather. Deer ticks are the primary transmitters of Lyme disease, an inflammatory disease characterized at first by a rash, headache, fever, and chills, and later by possible arthritis and neurological and cardiac disorders.

Be tick-free. Fight Lyme disease

TREE-TECH is a company dedicated to eradicating deer ticks at your property and protecting you and your family from Lyme disease. We have been setting the standard of excellence for beauty, quality and professionalism in New Jersey for more than 27 years. Our clients of over 25 golf clubs, residential and commercial property rely on our commitment to control insects and pests, and thereby preserve New Jersey property. TREE-TECH, a New Jersey Certified Tree Expert, is licensed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), proving that all materials used on insect eradication are in accordance with NJDEP.

Or if you have an existing program, call to review frequency and coverage.
