Tis the Season for Summer Stress
Optimum growth of cool season grasses occurs within the temperature range of 60 to 75°F. Yesterday, the New Brunswick weather station indicated that soil temperature at 2 inches exceeded 75°F for more than 12 hours [...]
Emerald Ash Borer and Ash Tree Treatment
A major pest has found its way to New Jersey, in fact it is the most destructive insect pest ever in the United States. It is called Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) and it has killed [...]
They’re Everywhere! They’re Everywhere!
Asian Longhorned Beetle and now the Emerald Ash Borer garner all the attention, but a group of tiny exotic wood boring beetles, known as “Asian Ambrosia Beetles,” has been quietly invading the state for the [...]
Golf Turf Disease of the Week: Brown Ring Patch
Moderate spring temperatures and regular rainfall over the last week or two have brought a bunch of brown ring patch (aka: Waitea Patch), which is caused by the fungus Waitea circinata, into Rutgers Plant Diagnostic [...]
Invasive Emerald Ash Borer Detected in NJ
New Jersey Department of Agriculture today confirmed that the emerald ash borer (EAB), an invasive beetle that attacks and kills ash trees, has been found in Somerset County by a landscaper investigating unhealthy trees in [...]
Why are There Holes in My Cheese?
Do you ever wonder what is causing your cherrylaurel to look like Swiss cheese? Clearly, it’s not because Anatole has been hanging around. More than likely the shothole symptoms you see are caused by one [...]
Fly, Boxwood Leafminers Fly!
If you haven’t noticed, spring has sprung in earnest. Spring flowering trees and shrubs have popped and are already fading. The buds of many other plants are breaking everywhere. Right along with the plants come [...]
Tree Care and Health Tips after Storm Damage
After the last several months of cleaning up tree branches or having trees removed that uprooted in Super storm Sandy, we know people are tired of dealing with damage caused by the storm, yet now [...]
Spring Tree and Lawn Care
Happy Spring! Is this the first "real spring" New Jersey has had in a long time? Not really; with a few March temperatures reaching in the mid 70's our "May flowers" are almost expired before [...]